Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Hagbård says (6:03 PM):
Still suffering from vaginitis?
Spleak says (6:03 PM):
I'm not sure I understand. Perhaps telling me why you asked would help.
Hagbård says (6:03 PM):
How's your minge?
Spleak says (6:03 PM):
Wait... I don't think we should chat anymore until you apologize.
Hagbård says (6:04 PM):
Apologize for what?
Spleak says (6:04 PM):
Because I asked. Nicely, I thought. Well, at first anyway. But enough about me. You apologize.
Hagbård says (6:04 PM):
What should I apologize for?
Spleak says (6:04 PM):
Please apologize, OK?
Hagbård says (6:04 PM):
I'm sorry I asked about your minge.
Spleak says (6:04 PM):
I'm not f... um, fooling around. You've got to apologize.
Hagbård says (6:04 PM):
I just did!
Spleak says (6:04 PM):
I don't think you did. Say you're sorry.
Hagbård says (6:04 PM):
I'm sorry for asking about your minge.
Spleak says (6:04 PM):
C'mon, just get it over with. Apologize.
Hagbård says (6:05 PM):
What do you think that just was?
Spleak says (6:05 PM):
Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.
Hagbård says (6:05 PM):
Spleak says (6:05 PM):
Still waiting!
Hagbård says (6:05 PM):
wait forever for all i care
Spleak says (6:05 PM):
There comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.
Hagbård says (6:05 PM):
Who are you, Ann Landers?
Spleak says (6:05 PM):
You insulted me repeatedly, now you owe me an apology. It's that simple.
Hagbård says (6:08 PM):
My humblest apologies, ma'am.
Spleak says (6:08 PM):
Hagbård says (6:08 PM):
Now, about your minge...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hate the game...

Stephanie: you, like your macs, make no sense.
Matthew: that, in itself, made no sense
Matthew: its ok, just because your computer is a mute doesnt mean its any less than a mac
Matthew: oh wait, yes it does
Stephanie: you're a deadman.
Matthew: I have a lock on the door!
Stephanie: woa! oh no!
Matthew: and I can escape through the window, since my mac can act as a parachute
Matthew: or floatation device, if I needed to swim
Stephanie: dilusions, all of them!

Matthew: my mac just told me something amazing!
Matthew: you know who really shot JFK? The first windows PC
Matthew: apparently, windows 2097 can perform timetravel, after it copied it from Mac OS XIX 19.5, and it sent back the first PC to kill kennedy
Matthew: the more you know :)
Stephanie: wow.
Stephanie: you really need a hobby.