Wednesday, June 25, 2008


[10:43] James: if buttons could be love, these buttons would be it.
[10:43] James: or something

Monday, June 23, 2008

From: God Re: Your Balls

[16:08] DefectiveGuru: so im reading this story about a Pew survey on religion in the US, and it says that the results indicate that "- 21 percent of self-defined atheists believe in God."
[16:09] DefectiveGuru: ... huh?
[16:09] Drinkspiller: ROFL!
[16:09] DefectiveGuru:
[16:09] Drinkspiller: 13% of homosexuals say they only have sex or sexual feelings for the opposite sex
[16:10] DefectiveGuru: wtf.
[16:10] DefectiveGuru: I mean, do these people not know what atheism is?
[16:10] Drinkspiller: That's the problem with self-definition. you can't trust people. that's why we need government defined religious beliefs.
[16:11] DefectiveGuru: good point
[16:12] Drinkspiller: I assume they are suggesting that 21% of people who *say* they are atheists, actually believe in God. It's a lie worth telling since everyone knows atheist chicks are better in bed. Can I get an amen?
[16:12] DefectiveGuru: amen!
[16:13] Drinkspiller: "God wouldn't want me to tickle your balls."
[16:13] Drinkspiller: better: "God told me not to tickle your balls."
[16:14] DefectiveGuru: if i had a nickle for every time id heard THAT one
[16:15] Drinkspiller:'d be able to hire someone who WILL tickle your balls?
[16:16] DefectiveGuru: *sigh*
[16:16] DefectiveGuru: ...yeah.